Yajilin Solver in Copris

Table of Contents


This page presents a Yajilin solver written in Copris, a Constraint Programming DSL (Domain-Specific Language) embedded in Scala. Yajilin is a puzzle game developed by Nikoli.

This Yajilin solver can find a solution of the given Yajilin puzzle.

What's New

  • 2020-12-15 Tue Release of version 2.0
  • 2013-10-14 Mon Release of version 1.1
  • 2013-09-01 Sun First release


Version 2.0


  • Scala version 2.12 to be installed
    • Other Scala version is not binary compatible with version 2.12.
  • Copris (included in the package)
  • Sugar (included in the package)
  • Sat4j Core (included in the package)

How to use

scala -cp copris-puzzles-2.0.jar yajilin.Solver input_file_name
  • The format of the input file is explained below.

To check the uniqueness of the solutions, please use "-o multi" option.

scala -cp copris-puzzles-2.0.jar yajilin.Solver -o multi input_file_name

If you have a SAT solver (such as MiniSat, GlueMiniSat) installed on your computer, you can use it to get better performance. Specify the full path of the SAT solver program with "-s1" or "-s2" option.

scala -cp copris-puzzles-2.0.jar yajilin.Solver -o multi -s2 minisat input_file_name

Input file format

The following is an example of input file.

- 1w  -  -  -  -  -
-  -  - 0e  -  -  -
-  -  -  -  - 1e  -
- 1w  - 2s  -  -  -
-  -  -  -  -  -  -
-  -  -  -  - 1w  -
-  -  -  -  -  -  -
  • The first line gives the number of rows.
  • The second line gives the number of columns.
  • Blank cells are represented by "-".
  • Arrow cells are represented by the number followed by the direction (n, s, e, w).

Example Usage

$ scala -cp copris-puzzles-2.0.jar yajilin.Solver -v data/001.a.txt
File = data/001.a.txt
Solver = 
Options = 
Rows = 7
Cols = 7
BEGIN_solution = 1
Solution = List((1,5), (1,4), (2,4), (3,4), (4,4), (4,5), (3,5), (3,6), (4,6), (5,6), (6,6), (6,5), (6,4), (5,4), (5,3), (5,2), (6,2), (6,1), (6,0), (5,0), (4,0), (4,1), (4,2), (3,2), (2,2), (2,1), (2,0), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (0,2), (0,3), (0,4), (0,5), (0,6), (1,6), (1,5))
Size = 37
 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
   #  1w   +---+---+---+---+
 .   .   . | .   .   .   . | .
   +---+---+  0e   +---+---+
 . | .   .   .   . | .   .   .
   +---+---+   #   +  1e   #
 .   .   . | .   . | .   .   .
   #  1w   +  2s   +   +---+
 .   .   . | .   . | . | . | .
   +---+---+   #   +---+   +
 . | .   .   .   .   .   . | .
   +   #   +---+---+  1w   +
 . | .   . | .   . | .   . | .
   +---+---+   #   +---+---+
 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
END_solution = 1
NumOfSolutions >= 1

Performance Evaluation

Finding a solution

Number of instances
Solved within 3600s190
Error (Memory Over etc.)0
Avg. CPU time6.2
Max. CPU time31.3

Source Code

The following shows the source code of the solver (Sudoku.scala). CANNOT INCLUDE FILE Sudoku.scala

Finding a solution

Number of instances
Solved within 3600s190
Error (Memory Over etc.)0
Avg. CPU time6.2
Max. CPU time31.3

Source Code

The following shows the source code of the solver (Yajilin.scala).

  1:  /*
  2:   * Yajilin Solver in Copris
  3:   * by Naoyuki Tamura
  4:   * http://bach.istc.kobe-u.ac.jp/copris/puzzles/yajilin/
  5:   */
  6:  package yajilin
  8:  import jp.kobe_u.copris._
  9:  import jp.kobe_u.copris.dsl._
 10:  import puzzle._
 12:  case class Yajilin(m: Int, n: Int, board: Seq[Seq[String]]) extends BoardPuzzle {
 13:    def isBlank(cell: Cell) = at(cell) == "-"
 14:    def isArrow(cell: Cell) = at(cell).matches("\\d+[nsew]")
 15:    def arrow(cell: Cell): (Int,(Int,Int)) = {
 16:      require(isArrow(cell))
 17:      val len = at(cell).init.toInt
 18:      at(cell).last match {
 19:        case 'n' => (len, (-1, 0))
 20:        case 's' => (len, ( 1, 0))
 21:        case 'e' => (len, ( 0, 1))
 22:        case 'w' => (len, ( 0,-1))
 23:      }
 24:    }
 25:    val blankCells = cells.filter(isBlank)
 26:    def adjBlankCells(cell: Cell) = adjCells(cell).filter(isBlank)
 27:    def cellBlock(cell: Cell, dij: Cell): Seq[Cell] =
 28:      if (! isCell(cell)) Seq.empty else cell +: cellBlock(move(cell, dij), dij)
 29:    def block(cell: Cell): (Set[Cell],Int) = {
 30:      require(isArrow(cell))
 31:      val (len,dij) = arrow(cell)
 32:      val (block1,block2) =
 33:        cellBlock(move(cell, dij), dij).span(cell => ! isArrow(cell) || arrow(cell)._2 != dij)
 34:      if (block2.isEmpty)
 35:        (block1.filter(isBlank).toSet, len)
 36:      else
 37:        (block1.filter(isBlank).toSet, len - arrow(block2.head)._1)
 38:    }
 39:    val blocks = cells.filter(isArrow).map(cell => block(cell)).filter(! _._1.isEmpty)
 40:    def show(sol: Seq[Cell]) {
 41:      val arcs = sol.sliding(2).map(e => (e(0),e(1))).toSet
 42:      def connected(cell1: Cell, cell2: Cell) =
 43:        arcs.contains((cell1,cell2)) || arcs.contains((cell2,cell1))
 44:      for (i <- 0 until m) {
 45:        print(" .")
 46:        for (j <- 0 until n) {
 47:          val cell = (i,j); val cell1 = (i-1,j)
 48:          if (isCell(cell1) && connected(cell, cell1)) print(" | .")
 49:          else print("   .")
 50:        }
 51:        println
 52:        for (j <- 0 until n) {
 53:          val cell = (i,j); val cell1 = (i,j-1)
 54:          val e = if (isCell(cell1) && connected(cell, cell1)) "---"
 55:                  else "   "
 56:          val x = if (isArrow(cell)) at(cell)
 57:                  else if (sol.contains(cell)) "+"
 58:                  else "#"
 59:          print((e + x).takeRight(4))
 60:        }
 61:        println
 62:      }
 63:      println(" ." + "   ." * n)
 64:    }
 65:  }
 67:  object Solver extends BoardPuzzleSolver[Yajilin] {
 68:    import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
 70:    val name = "yajilin.Solver"
 71:    var cycles: Set[Seq[Cell]] = _
 73:    def puzzleFactory(m: Int, n: Int, board: Seq[Seq[String]]) =
 74:      Yajilin(m, n, board)
 76:    def define = {
 77:      for (cell <- puzzle.blankCells)
 78:        int('x(cell), 0, 1)
 79:      for (cell <- puzzle.blankCells; cell1 <- puzzle.adjBlankCells(cell); if cell < cell1)
 80:        add('x(cell) + 'x(cell1) <= 1)
 81:      for ((block,len) <- puzzle.blocks)
 82:        add(Add(block.map(cell => 'x(cell))) === len)
 83:      for (cell <- puzzle.blankCells; cell1 <- puzzle.adjBlankCells(cell))
 84:        int('e(cell,cell1), 0, 1)
 85:      for (cell <- puzzle.blankCells; cell1 <- puzzle.adjBlankCells(cell); if cell < cell1)
 86:        add('e(cell,cell1) + 'e(cell1,cell) <= 1)
 87:      for (cell <- puzzle.blankCells) {
 88:        val in = puzzle.adjBlankCells(cell).map(cell1 => 'e(cell1,cell))
 89:        val ot = puzzle.adjBlankCells(cell).map(cell1 => 'e(cell,cell1))
 90:        int('io(cell), 0, 1)
 91:        add('io(cell) === Add(in))
 92:        add('io(cell) === Add(ot))
 93:        add(('io(cell) === 1) <==> ('x(cell) === 0))
 94:      }
 95:    }
 97:    def checkSolution: Boolean = {
 98:      val nodes = puzzle.blankCells.filter(cell => solution('io(cell)) > 0).toSet
 99:      def nextCells(cell: Cell) =
100:        puzzle.adjBlankCells(cell).filter(cell1 => solution('e(cell,cell1)) > 0).toSet
101:      val arcs = nodes.map(cell => cell -> nextCells(cell)).toMap
102:      cycles = getCycles(nodes, arcs)
103:      if (verbose >= 2)
104:        println("Components = " + cycles.size)
105:      cycles.size == 1
106:    }
107:    def addNegation {
108:      for (cycle <- cycles) {
109:        add(Or(cycle.sliding(2).map(e => 'e(e(0),e(1)) === 0).toSeq))
110:        add(Or(cycle.reverse.sliding(2).map(e => 'e(e(0),e(1)) === 0).toSeq))
111:      }
112:    }
113:    override def findFirstSolution = findIncremental(true, checkSolution, addNegation)
114:    override def findNextSolution = findIncremental(false, checkSolution, addNegation)
116:    def showSolution {
117:      // Cycle
118:      require(cycles.size == 1)
119:      val sol = cycles.head
120:      if (quiet == 0) {
121:        println("Solution = " + sol)
122:        println("Size = " + sol.size)
123:        puzzle.show(sol)
124:      }
125:    }
126:  }


This software is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE.


Date: 2020-12-18 23:56:23 JST

Author: Naoyuki Tamura

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 25

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